With best wishes for your happiness * in the New Year


Due to lack of resources in time, energy and money the above will just have to do as my Christmas Card. I would have liked to get out a nice, pretty, feminine one and sent it to all of you, but such was impossible and I hope you will understand, forgive and know that Virginia wishes the best for all of you. May I also take this space to thank all of you who have sent me letters of encouragement and especial- ly those few who have sent in a little extra money with orders to spend it on myself. Having such friends gives me strength to deal with my enemies. I thank you. 1966 is just 900 years since the Battle of Hast- ings in 1066 when William the Conquerer cleaned up on the English. The history of modern England stems from that date. 1966 is just 190 years since 1776 when the history of America really began. So, I have resolved that 1966 is going to be the beginning of my modern history too. The law, the courts, the judges being what they are and partial to "the little woman" and non-understanding of the "little TV", I imagine that I will come out of the battle of January pretty beaten in a material sense, but I will be victorious in a moral sense no matter what. I have not done what I have been accused of nor harmed anyone and no amount of legal shenenigans can make a legal wrong out of a moral right, so I look forward to a new year, a free year, and a year of accomplishment. I hope the same goes for you all.


